And Welcome back

And Welcome back


Chit chatTech


Long time no see??
Posted 10 months ago

Well, well, well, if it isn’t me, back on the blog after what feels like a decade. I mean, who even remembers why I started this thing? Oh right, to flex my full-stack muscles. XD

So, what’s new in my world? Well, I’ve been diving headfirst into the wonderful world of AWS. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of services - many of which are just EC2 in a fancy disguise. But hey, variety is the spice of life, right? I’m itching to create something with it, but alas, time is not on my side.

In the meantime, I’ve been dabbling in creating a Discord bot. Just a little side project to keep me busy. And of course, I plan to run it on AWS - because why not?

And then there’s this project. It’s got more bugs than a summer picnic. I mean, who needs accurate cache re-validation anyway? It’s not like it matters if a two-month-old post is showing as 8 hours old. But don’t worry, I’ll fix it… eventually.

Oh, and did I mention the color scheme? Yeah, I need a new one. And a custom right-click context menu. I’ll probably just borrow the code from my other projects because why reinvent the wheel?

And then there’s Oracle Cloud. Oh boy, what an experience that was! They promised me a powerful VPS based on Arm, but guess what? The server can’t be created in my chosen data center. And changing it isn’t an option either. So now I’m stuck trying to figure out how to delete my account.

And just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse - I have exams on the weekend! Because who needs rest anyway?

But hey, fixing the bugs here is my top priority right now. Plus, this site got an extremely poor Lighthouse score. I mean, come on! It’s Next.js! What do you mean I have to do some optimization myself? And don’t even get me started on SEO…

So there you have it - just another day in the life of a full-stack developer.

Hmmm, I should add a chat GPT integration here to auto-write the blogs. XD

and here's an out-of-context picture :) cause sanity doing the hard work here.


Side note: Get a new HTML parser for this project.